Taylor Gain

Children’s Story Teller and Illustrator


I love to tell a story in the most basic form to allow a child to interpret it from their own perspective and circumstance and allow the moment to start a conversation.

I love bright colors and creating mythological creatures to expand the imagination and supply inspirational dreams for the reader.

I aspire to tell stories with relatable characters that will come to life and become a confidant and moral support for those in need AND for those who can help those in need.





Rel JV Ander

Queer Sci-fi Fantasy Writer

I’m a creative from the Twin City’s, Minnesota. I’m a queer person and queer activist. I write stories to normalize queer people in the sci-fi realm and bring diversity, in general, to the entertainment field.

Please, let me take you on a journey through my imagination. A Universe full of different perspectives. A string of motivations and actions leading to world changing events.

The Danderleon is the first in a series of three AND the first story of my massive world. Enjoy!


Nanny Non Nun

Naughty Lyricist


Nanny Non Nun is the product of two minds.

A loud, rhyming, dirty minded, over the top queen,


A quiet, asexual that’s pro (healthy) sex discovery.